Skite Trade Festival Review

Early in May, Prof. Baeriswyl attended to the ISIB lecture of year 2 and listened to the students' feedback speech about the campus trade fair.

This activity is one of the derived projects of the course “Pricing Strategy and Sales Channels” of ISIB Level 16, which aims in providing pricing and sales experiences to students through on-site transactions. Based on the knowledge learned in lectures, the usage of cost pricing method and demand-oriented method, students need to set up price for their products. Throughout the activity, students deepen their understanding on the process of pricing and sales channels, and turn their knowledge into practical experiences. Master Baeriswyl and Teacher Candy honored the distinction awards to six groups.

“An excellent entrepreneurship requires trust between partners, high quality on products and special characteristics.” Master Baeriswyl reviewed about this activity. “What we are doing is only a small step. In the college, students are familiar with their classmates and trust could be easy to build up. Thus, the product quality is the main measure point inside the activity. The outstanding in quality become an important elements for victory.”